Institute of public finance
Public Sector Economics Journal
Public Sector Economics
2018 Conference

Keynote speakers

James Alt, Institute for Quantitative Social Science, Harvard University

Frank G. Thomson Professor of Government at Harvard and member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. He was a Guggenheim fellow in 1997–1998. His publications include The Politics of Economic Decline (1979), Political Economics (with K. Chrystal, 1983), and numerous articles in scholarly journals, including “Partisan De-alignment in Britain, 1964–74” in British Journal of Political Science (1977), “Political Parties, World Demand, and Unemployment” in American Political Science Review (1985), “Enforcement and Public Corruption: Evidence from the American States” in Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization (2014) and “Inequality, Labor Market Segmentation, and Preferences for Redistribution” in American Journal of Political Science (2016). He is co-editor of Competition and Cooperation (with M. Levi and E. Ostrom, 1999). Alt’s present research analyzes institutional transparency, accountability, and fiscal policy in OECD countries and US states.

Francisco Bastida, University of Murcia, Spain; American University of Armenia, Armenia

Full time professor of Financial Economics and Accounting at the University of Murcia (Spain). He teaches management accounting at the University of Murcia and he has taught it at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He also teaches accounting information systems courses and courses in several master degrees at the University of Murcia. His current research focuses on the impact of transparency in government financial reporting from an international perspective, and on public finances. He has published, among others, in the following journals: Applied Economics, Public Administration, Public Administration Review, International Public Management Journal, Kyklos, Public Choice, American Review of Public Administration, and Fiscal Studies. Journal of Urban Planning and Development-ASCE. He is Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Economics and Accounting. He also works on consulting projects about management accounting implementation.
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