Program committee
Francisco José Bastida Albaladejo, University of Murcia, Spain; American University of Armenia, Armenia
Professor of Financial Economics and Accounting at the University of Murcia (Spain) and Associate Visiting Professor at the American University of Armenia (affiliated with the University of California). Member of the Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research network. He teaches management accounting at the University of Murcia and he has taught it at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His current research focuses on the impact of transparency and corruption on public finances and on the evolution of former soviet republics’ fiscal transparency, political system and economic openness. He has published in Applied Economics, Public Administration, Public Administration Review, International Public Management Journal, Kyklos, Public Choice, American Review of Public Administration, Fiscal Studies and Journal of Urban Planning and Development-ASCE. He is Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Economics and Accounting.
Bernardino Benito, University of Murcia, Spain
Works in the Department of Accounting and Finance at the University of Murcia (Spain). He has been Dean of the Tourism School and Head of the Department of Accounting and Finance, of this University. He develops a regular activity as a consultant for Public Administrations, as the European Commission, Spanish Ministry of Finance and Regional and Public Entities. He is actively involved in several projects, especially connected with modernization of public administration and governmental accounting reforms. In 1999-2000 he was one of the experts that presented the study designing the basic guidelines for the reform of the budgetary and accounting system of the European Commission. He has an important number of publications in different national and international journals and he has taken part as co-author in different books published in international circles. He has also directed research programmes related to the public sector, especially to the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the different services in this sector. He is an anonymous reviewer in different national and international journals, as well as member of several organizations which have to do with the accounting sector. He is also editorial board member of several international journals.
Mihaela Bronić, Institute of Public Finance
Finished PhD at Faculty of Economics and Business in Zagreb. She works at the Institute of Public Finance as a senior research associate. She gained additional education at the University of Cambridge, London School of Economics and Political Science, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, etc. She has been member of many national and international research projects. She is the author of several scientific and professional papers published in national and international publications, and areas of her interest include local government units financing, budget transparency, citizen participation in the budget process and the tax system.
Ronnie Downes, OECD
Ronnie Downes has taken up position as Deputy Head of BUD. Ronnie is an Irish national with a background in the Department of Finance and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform in Dublin. He holds a Masters degree in Economics and Policy Studies from Trinity College Dublin, as well as diplomas in Legal Studies and Accounting. In recent years, he has been the Principal Officer [deputy budget director] responsible for introducing a range of expenditure and budgetary reforms, including the multi-annual budgetary framework, expenditure reviews, performance-related budgeting, independent fiscal council, parliamentary oversight, and the Government Economic and Evaluation Service.
Juan Pablo Guerrero, Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency
Network Director of the Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency, a multi-stakeholder action network working to advance global norms and improvements on fiscal transparency and participation. He was the Secretary General of the Federal Institute for Access to Information & Data Protection in Mexico (2013-14), where he previously was founding information commissioner between 2002-2009. He was the manager of the Mentoring Governments for Transparency Program at the International Budget Partnership (2009-13). Before 2003, he was a university professor at the Center for Research & Teaching in Economics in Mexico (1994-2003). He started his carrier as news reporter and correspondent in Washington & Paris, where he studied master and PhD programs in public policy.
Paolo de Renzio, International Budget Partnership
Senior Research Fellow for the Open Budget Initiative at the International Budget Partnership, develops and promotes a research agenda on budget transparency and accountability while supporting the Open Budget Survey. Prior to joining the IBP, he worked as a Research Fellow in the Centre for Aid and Public Expenditure at the Overseas Development Institute; as an economist and policy advisor in Papua New Guinea’s Ministry of Finance; and as a UNDP public sector specialist, lecturer, and independent consultant in Mozambique. He has been a consultant for the World Bank, the OECd, the European Commission, and for bilateral donor agencies, and international nongovernmental organizations. His research includes topics such as aid architecture and mutual accountability, donor conditionalities and general budget support, and quality assessments and reform of budget systems. He completed his PhD at the University of Oxford, focusing on the impact of donor policies and aid modalities on budget systems in developing countries. He also holds an MSc in Development Studies from the London School of Economics and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from ‘Bocconi’ in Milan, Italy.
Joachim Wehner, London School of Economics and Political Science
Associate Professor in Public Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and a member of the Political Science and Political Economy (PSPE) group and the Public Policy Group (PPG). Following studies in Germany and South Africa, he obtained a PhD in Government from the LSE in 2007. From 1997 to 2003, worked at the Institute for Democracy in South Africa (Idasa), and since then has worked as a consultant for a number of organisations, including the OECD. His research is in the areas of political economy and public policy, and has been published in journals such as the British Journal of Political Science and the Journal of Politics.
Organizing committee
Mihaela Bronić, Institute of Public Finance
Martina Fabris, Institute of Public Finance
Marina Nekić, Institute of Public Finance
Katarina Ott, Institute of Public Finance
Branko Stanić, Institute of Public Finance